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Are you struggling to identify the right candidates for key roles?

Do you have a healthy pipeline of future leaders in your organization?

Are you wondering how to identify, engage and retain the high potentials and future leaders in your organization?

Do you have an objective mechanism to benchmark or do a comparative analysis of your employees?

Are you sure on which competencies your employees have to be groomed?

Is your hiring process based on objective criteria?

If you are not sure about the answers to the above questions, or if you are looking for solutions in these areas, then it’s high time you consider conducting an assessment centre (AC) for your organization.

AC consists of a variety of testing techniques designed to allow participants to demonstrate, under standard conditions, the skills and abilities that are most essential for success in a given job.

AC uses a variety of assessment simulations such as group exercise, in-basket exercise, questionnaires, psychometric test, interview, roleplays, etc, custom designed to your organization’s leadership and behavioural competencies.

AC provide a robust and objective methodology for assessing candidates, addressing various HR challenges. They offer a holistic view of candidates’ abilities, enhance the predictive validity of the selection process, support talent development efforts, and enable effective succession planning.

Why Assessment Centres?

An AC is the most reliable mechanism to assess your employee’s key competencies. The following table brings out the reliability coefficient when compared to other forms of assessments.

Work Sampling


Ability Tests


Personality questionnaires








Assessment Centers


Assessment centres are scientifically designed, incorporating specific steps to ensure a systematic and rigorous evaluation process.

They are strongly linked to competencies, focusing on assessing the specific skills and behaviours required for success in a particular role or job function.

Unlike global psychometric assessments, assessment centres are customized to align with the organization’s unique needs and context.

These centres are conducted by certified and experienced Assessors who possess the expertise to objectively evaluate participants’ performance.

The assessment process is fair and accurate, with each competency being assessed in 2-3 activities. Additionally, combination activities are utilized to engage all six senses for a comprehensive assessment experience.

Moreover, to ensure a well-rounded evaluation, each activity is designed to assess 2-3 competencies. Finally, to enhance objectivity and reduce bias, each participant is assessed by three different assessors, providing a diverse perspective on their capabilities and potential.

AC – Assessment Process

Participants take part in a series of exercises that simulate on-the-job situations

Trained accessors carefully observe and document the behaviours displayed by the participants.

Assessors individually write evaluation reports, documenting their observations of each participant’s behaviour.

Later all assessors discuss and integrate the data through a consensus discussion process.

Each participant receives objective feedback and report on demonstrated competencies from one of the assessors.

Note: Organizations have the option to choose from physical AC or a blended approach in which certain tools will be administered online and other tools will be conducted through physical AC.

Assessment Tools


Competency Based Interview


In-Basket Exercise


Psychometric Test


Leaderless Group Discussion




Other Written Tests


Case Analysis & Presentation


Business Simulation Game

Benefits of AC