Welcome to WINTEG, where we strive to empower individuals and organizations to achieve their maximum potential through our high-impact leadership training programs. Our programs are designed to equip individuals with the tools, skills and knowledge necessary to lead effectively in today’s dynamic business environment.
We believe that leadership is not just about positions or titles, but about character, vision, and action. Our training programs are designed to cultivate these qualities in our participants, empowering them to become confident, ethical, and effective leaders who inspire and motivate their teams to achieve success.
Contact us today to learn more about our programs and how they can help your organization achieve its goals.
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Do you hear this
frequently in your organization?
Management Concerns
“There is no ownership and commitment among the workforce”
“I feel that most of the employees have no sense of belonging to the organization and work only for their salaries”
“Attrition levels are high and we are losing good resources regularly”
“Lot of resources and opportunities are being wasted”
“Employees do not connect with the vision of the organization”
“Most of our employees are average when it comes to performance; there is so much potential which lies unutilised”
“We are not confident that our employees will go beyond what is required to achieve the company goals”
Manager’s Concerns
“There is no ownership and commitment among the workforce”
“I am not able to inspire my team members or hold on to them”
“I find it difficult to have conversations about their performances“
“I end up losing my temper during difficult or crisis situations”
“I am loaded with work and have no free time at all”
“I do not trust my team members to deliver the results”
“Team members do not work together and keep fighting over trivial issues”
Benefits of this workshop
Increased productivity and efficiency: When leaders have strong skills, they can effectively manage their teams, delegate tasks, and keep their team members motivated and engaged. This can lead to increased productivity and efficiency in the workplace
Better employee retention: Strong leaders can create a positive work environment, build strong relationships with their team members, and provide opportunities for growth and development. This can help to improve employee satisfaction and reduce turnover rates.
Improved organizational culture: Leaders who are committed to ongoing learning and development can help to create a culture of continuous improvement within the organization. This can lead to a more positive and collaborative workplace culture.
Overall, this leadership development workshop is a valuable investment for organizations looking to improve their employee’s leadership skills and create a more positive and productive work environment.
Increase Employee Engagement: Our leadership training program helps you to understand how to increase employee engagement by creating a positive work environment, providing feedback, and creating opportunities for growth and development. This will enable you to keep your team motivated and engaged, leading to increased productivity and better outcomes.
Participant Profile
People managers at various levels in the organization.
They can be first time managers or experienced.
Training Modules
Leadership Primer
- Types of leaders
- Responsibilities of leadership
- Situational leadership
- Leadership behaviour under different phases
- Balancing task & people
- Power vs. Leadership
- What is leadership?
- Action plan
Interpersonal Effectiveness
- Overcoming communication barriers
- Avoiding the communication gap
- Managing perceptions
- Johari windows and team communication
- PE Scale – a self-assessment tool
- Giving and receiving feedback
- Using feedback as a developmental tool
- Conducting feedback sessions
Emotional Intelligence
- Emotional maturity – an understanding
- Responding vs. reacting
- The three layers of brain and its impact on our actions
- Inventory of emotions
- Self-awareness & regulation
- Social awareness
- Empathy
- Handling difficult situations
- Managing relationships
Developing Teams
- Environment and its impact on performance
- Creating synergy
- Measuring team effectiveness
- Working on the parameters of team effectiveness
- What is a team?
- Coaching Vs. mentoring
- Intrinsic & extrinsic motivation
- Adopting a goal driven approach
Difficult Conversations
- Opinion vs. facts
- Argument vs. discussion
- Bringing around people without giving offence
- Assertiveness techniques
- Conflict resolution techniques
- The importance of listening
- Giving expression to the feeling
- Transactional Analysis – an understanding
- Ego satisfaction vs. Problem solving vs. Relationship building
Analytical Ability & Problem Solving
- Problem vs. Symptom
- Problem definition
- Steps of problem solving
- Causes | Fact finding.
- Questioning skills & techniques (Root cause analysis)
- Content analysis techniques (Fish Bone analysis) – seeing data from different perspectives.
- Brainstorming
- Lateral Thinking
Customized curriculum
The program will offer a customized curriculum tailored to the specific needs and goals of the participants.
Expert facilitators
The program will be facilitated by experienced and knowledgeable facilitators who have a proven track record of delivering effective leadership training.
Ongoing support
Participants will receive ongoing support and coaching throughout the program to help them apply their learning in the workplace.
Flexible delivery
The program can be delivered in a variety of formats, including online, in-person, or a hybrid of both, to accommodate the needs and preferences of the participants.
Leadership Frameworks
Situational Leadership:
Developed by Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard, this framework suggests that the most effective leadership style depends on the level of readiness of the followers.
Transformational Leadership:
This framework emphasizes the importance of leaders inspiring and motivating their followers to achieve a shared vision. It was developed by James MacGregor Burns and expanded upon by Bernard Bass.
Servant Leadership:
This framework emphasizes the leader’s responsibility to serve their followers and prioritize their needs. It was first introduced by Robert K. Greenleaf.
Authentic Leadership:
This framework emphasizes the importance of leaders being true to themselves and their values. It was first proposed by Bill George.
Path-Goal Leadership:
This framework suggests that the leader’s job is to help their followers achieve their goals by removing obstacles and providing support. It was developed by Robert House.
Leader-Member Exchange (LMX):
This framework suggests that leaders should develop high-quality relationships with their followers to promote trust and cooperation. It was first proposed by George Graen and Mary Uhl-Bien.
Client List
WINTEG Consultancy Services Pvt. Ltd. is an organization based in Chennai with service offerings of training, HR & OD consulting. Some of our flagship training programs are in the domain of human behavior and focus on both self-development and organizational effectiveness.
With our team’s diverse background and experience we have been delighting our clients across the industries. Some of our recent clients include MRF Ltd., Faurecia, VALEO, DAIMLER, CAMS & Lister Technologies. For more information on WINTEG, we invite you to visit our website
Other Programs Offered
HR for Non HR Managers