We are what we repeatedly do.

Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.

You are what you repeat. You are not what you do once in a blue moon. Habits, when they stick, becomes your identity. Your life today is essentially the sum of your habits. How much are you in shape or out of shape? A result of your habits. How happy or unhappy are you?
A result of your habits.

How successful or unsuccessful are you? A result of your habits. Habits are present throughout our everyday lives.

They are the reason we fail but also the reason we succeed. They are the reason we are effective and why we are ineffective. They are the reason we are happy and why we are highly dissatisfied with our lives.

The key to unlocking the next level of performance is habit change. Habits impact your decision-making, efficacy, and effectiveness. Our lives run on habits. Habits decide what actions we take on a consistent basis.

Since our consistent actions determine the direction of our life, our habits ultimately decide much of the outcome of our lives.

Changing habits is a skill. Habit change need not be oppressive and sacrificial but can be exciting and fun.

Like all other skills, it needs both practice and technique.

You are what you repeat. You are not what you do once in a blue moon. Habits, when they stick, becomes your identity. Your life today is essentially the sum of your habits. How much are you in shape or out of shape? A result of your habits. How happy or unhappy are you? A result of your habits. How successful or unsuccessful are you? A result of your habits.

Habits are present throughout our everyday lives. They are the reason we fail but also the reason we succeed. They are the reason we are effective and why we are ineffective. They are the reason we are happy and why we are highly dissatisfied with our lives.

Key Points

Covered In The Program

A roadmap for understanding Habits and Behaviour Change

How habits works and how it impacts effectiveness.

Understanding the neurology of habit formation and habit change.

Four Stages of Habit and New Science of Behaviour Change

Effective habit-building and life-changing strategies.

The Architecture of Choice

Establish habits for completing unpleasant tasks with ease.

Establish effective work habits like working on your most important projects or pitching new clients etc.

Scientific techniques and methods to enhance the odds of successful habit change.

Learn how to align habits with goals, vision and purpose.



Leading a more purposeful and focused life.

Work with renewed vigour and enthusiasm

Increased Self Confidence and Self Esteem.

Leveraging small daily actions into tremendous life accomplishments

Marked excellence in Professional, Social, and Personal life

Higher Motivation & Achievement

Good Habits are worth being
fanatical about.

– John Irving



Manoj Keshav

Author, Psychologist & Trainer
Founder – NxtNLP Research Institute

Manoj Keshav,
founder of NxtNLP Research Institute is an Author, Psychologist and Behavioral Trainer with over 22+ years of experience in Counselling, Coaching and Training with a single minded objective of helping individuals evolve to their finest self.

He brings the latest development and advances in psychology, neuroscience and behavioural science to help people tap their incredible inner potential and soar to new heights of success and fulfilment.

His approach to training is ‘Inside-Out’ approach and believes that to bring about deeper change we need to dive deeper into one’s mind.
It involves uncovering one’s inner drives, paradigms and deeply held belief system. He loves researching on topics like euroscience, emotional well- being, body – mind connection, psychology of learning etc. He deeply believes in continuous self-improvement. He has a scientific mindset and his role model is charles darwin.

His clients include fidelity investments, HSBC, TAFE, Nissan, Hyundai, TVS Group, Novartis, Sofia Aventis, TCS, Oracle, Sify, HCL Technologies Ltd, l & T, Hexaware Technologies Ltd, GE etc.



Structured Activities

Self-Assessment & Reflection

Videos & Debrief

Interactive Seminar



NLP Practitioner & Life Coach Program

NLP Advance & Master Life Coach Program

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

NLP Train the Trainer

Dual Certification in Counselling & Coaching

Motivational Interviewing (MI) Program

Emotional Intelligence Certification Program

Human Mind & Art of Decision Making

Subconscious Habit Mastery Workshop

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)




Friday, 08th April 2022
3:00 PM – 5:00 PM

For any queries

Jayashree : +91 9677000651


Registration Form